Australian independent supermarket chain - Warehouse operational diagnostic

TMX were engaged to perform a warehouse operational diagnostic and determine WMS vendor procurement.

Industrial Real Estate
Supply Chain
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Key challenges

The client had ambitions to grow their store network but are heavily constrained by their existing warehouse capacity and manual operations. They were challenged by:

  • Manual processes contribute to lack of visibility and accuracy of inventory information, including at the store level and creating difficulty for stores in ordering replenishment products.
  • Large amount of ullage due to systemic capability to move product in FEFO order.

Our approach

To ensure the best results for the client, TMX:

  • Undertook multiple DC and store visits, including team member interviews and observation of process and site layout.
  • Requested and analyzed site, inventory, and transactional data, to identify tactical opportunities for improvement in lay-out, slotting, process, systems, and labor planning.
  • Captured detailed WMS requirements and upstream changes required to support.
  • Ran a WMS RFP to validate the client's preferred vendor against requirements.
The results
  • Determined that the client's preferred option of utilizing the in-built WMS capability of their ERP would not meet their requirements prior to wasting time and money on implementing.
  • Alternative WMS options investigated and priced which would meet requirements and add value to the operation.
  • Identified a WMS with native integration capability with an ERP solution.
  • Cost/benefit justification of additional capability vs additional cost of a standalone WMS.
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